Jubilant Jacob, 9, following fast in footsteps of Lewis Hamilton after a scintillating win in his first British Championships event

Jubilant Jacob, 9, following fast in footsteps of Lewis Hamilton after a scintillating win in his first British Championships event

By Jill Dando News

Jacob of Castle Batch Primary School Academy in Weston-super-Mare, Somerset won the high-profile 2020 Micro Max British Championship for those aged 8 to 11, after 12 months of competing to qualify.

The youngster will now head to Portugal in January for the Rotax World Finals, representing the UK.

He said: “I am very happy to have won, the prizes are fantastic. I get to keep my engine courtesy of JAG Rotax and the best bit I will now be representing the UK in Portugal in January in the Rotax World Finals.

“Massive thanks to all my sponsors and supporters - you’re all fantastic. And special thanks to my Mum and Dad for everything they do for me as I follow my dreams.”

Principal Sally Taylor said: “We are thrilled to hear of Jacob and his brilliant talent. To win at his first ever British championships is a monumental feat.”

Neville Coles, CEO of The Priory Learning Trust, said: “Jensen Button grew up in Somerset and had a terrific career in Karting and then Formula One. This is a superb accolade so young in Jacob’s Karting career.”

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