Inspirational Chloe Spreads Awareness Despite Challenges

Inspirational Chloe Spreads Awareness Despite Challenges
Chloe and her dog Dezzie

By Ellise Hollie-Hayward, Disabilities Correspondent

In a world where disability often remains misunderstood, Chloe Tear stands out as a beacon of hope and determination.

At 26, this disabled writer, content designer, and speaker is breaking barriers and changing perceptions, one blog post at a time.

Overcoming Adversity

Diagnosed with mild cerebral palsy at age 7, Chloe has faced physical challenges throughout her life. "I've worn AFO splints on and off my whole life," she explains. "I tend to walk with a walking stick, but did use a wheelchair part-time."

However, Chloe's journey took an unexpected turn at 18 when she began losing her eyesight.

Now registered blind, she retains only shapes, colours, and no peripheral vision.

Despite these obstacles, Chloe remains undaunted.

Her guide dog, Dezzie, has become an invaluable companion, restoring much of the independence she feared lost.

Finding Her Voice

Chloe's advocacy journey began at 15 when she started her blog. "I felt like the odd one out," she recalls. "I didn't know anyone else with cerebral palsy."

What started as a search for connection has blossomed into a platform for awareness and education.

Her blog opened doors to a career in content design and freelance writing. Perhaps most surprisingly, it led to public speaking engagements. "I used to be really shy!" Chloe admits. "Yet public speaking is now something I really enjoy.

“I particularly enjoy talking at schools about my lived experience."

Looking to the Future

While Chloe's online presence has made an impact, she remains grounded in her aspirations. "I hope for a happy life and a family," she says.

Professionally, she dreams of writing a book about disability "to help other disabled people. It's the kind of book I needed when I was younger."

Above all, Chloe emphasizes the importance of finding joy in her work and doing it for herself, not due to the pressures of content creation.

As Chloe Tear continues to navigate life's challenges with grace and determination, her story serves as an inspiration to both disabled and non-disabled individuals alike.

Through her words and actions, she proves that with passion and perseverance, one voice can indeed make a difference.

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