Creative Harry builds rock sculpture while wife shops

Creative Harry builds rock sculpture while wife shops

By Jill Dando News

Harry Maddox created a spectacular beach rock sculpture in one hour while his wife was at the shops.

Harry, who based in Bodmin, Cornwall, England, builds sculptures, take their photos, and then takes them down.

He told BBC News of his work here

He said: "My wife doesn't drive, so on a Wednesday I take her to do her shopping in St Austell. This gives me an hour to head to a beach to create.

"The choice of beach depends on the tide and weather. It was a little breezy that day so I decided on Porthpean.

"The first part of the structure, the Moongate, went together really easy in 30 minutes, so I then kept adding until it was time for me to leave.

"The things I create are really unstable and would do a fair bit of damage if they fell on anyone.

"I am also not a fan of these things left on beaches.

"In reality, the art I create is just the photograph, so I take pictures as I go and before leaving I dismantle.

"I then head back to pick the wife up."

Comments on the Rocks Up Facebook page, which shows the sculpture, included "spectacular", "awesome" and "epic".

Mr Maddox named the structure after his niece Leanne.

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