From Downing Street to the coveted Rising Star for Diversity Award, Gina wins big!

From Downing Street to the coveted Rising Star for Diversity Award, Gina wins big!
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By Jill Dando News

Gina Patel from Wednesbury in the West Midlands has won the Rising Star for Diversity award at the highly esteemed Rising Star Awards organised by WeAreTheCity.

The awards, which are in their tenth year and serve as a "premier platform" showcasing the UK's female talent pipeline below management level, opened for nominations on the 16th January 2024, and received 1300 responses.

Gina attended a shortlist celebration event at the Royal Bank of Canada where she found herself being the only person with a disability present.


Her 14 years advocacy experience advocating for people from all marginalised groups has had success in recent years; all the way from TEDx Wolverhampton 2021 two to delivering a petition letter at 10 Downing Street advocating for the changing places toilets and even host of the "Saying It As It Is" podcast heard worldwide giving a voice to marginalised groups within society, providing them a platform they wouldn’t otherwise have.

In recognition of her win, Gina said “Winning the Rising Star for Diversity award is an amazing achievement and something I can’t quite believe!

 There are 16 million disabled people in the UK but I also represent a small minority of 5.15 million needing support with the aid of health and social care and we don’t get seen or heard because we aren’t a priority.

Sadly, that was also reflected at the shortlist event on the 21st May, we talk so much for inclusion and yet when I was the only one there from my community, I felt like I was the odd one out.

Winning this award isn’t just for me, it’s for those 5.15 million people because they matter just as much. That’s why awards like this are so important.”

All winners of the Rising Star Awards will head to The Londoner Hotel on the 17th July to celebrate their achievements.

To find out more about the Rising Star Awards including the other winners click here.

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