In mental health awareness week here's a simple mind hack to boost sleep and ease anxiety

In mental health awareness week here's a simple mind hack to boost sleep and ease anxiety
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By Jill Dando News

In our fast-paced, always-on modern world, it's no surprise that so many of us struggle with anxiety and insomnia.

The constant barrage of stresses, worries, and responsibilities can leave our minds whirring long into the night, stealing precious hours of sleep. 

But a simple technique promoted by top UK GP and author Dr. Rangan Chatterjee could be the solution to quieting those restless thoughts.

In a recent blog post on his website he advocates for a practice he calls "brain downloading."

The process is deceptively simple: find a quiet spot, set a timer for 5 minutes, and write furiously, letting every thought and concern spill onto the page without filtering or judgment.


"This isn't journaling or writing your debut novel," explains Dr. Chatterjee on his Friday Five newsletter email.

"I think of it as more of a rubbish dump. When you find your flow, you'll probably notice all sorts of craziness pouring out. It might be complete gibberish. It could be stuff that you'd hate anyone else to know."

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Far from being a sign that the method isn't working, Dr. Chatterjee insists this free-flow of uncensored thoughts is exactly what you should aim for. "It's a sign that the process is working," he states.

The therapeutic benefit, according to the doctor, comes from physically extracting those intrusive thoughts from your mind and containing them on the page, where you can then crumple up the pages and discard them.

"There's something so therapeutic about seeing all your worries contained as words on a page which you can just screw up and chuck in the bin," he writes.

"It's a great exercise before bed to stop that rumination keeping you awake."

For those struggling with anxiety or insomnia, Dr. Chatterjee says the simple "brain download" practice can provide much-needed relief.

In our increasingly hectic world, taking a few minutes to declutter the mind could be a mental health hack you will be thankful for.

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