Exciting Eco award yet again for enthusiastic students and school

Exciting Eco award yet again for enthusiastic students and school

By Jill Dando News

Students and staff have received an Eco Schools award again for all the great sustainability and Green work over the past year.

Students at East Huntspill Primary Academy and West Huntspill Primary Academy near Burnham on Sea and Bridgwater in Somerset are celebrating the prestigious award.

They have after-school club groups in the big "keep Britain tidy" litter pick, encouraging  recycling at home and in school and reducing waste and reusing items no longer needed for their original intent.

Their recycling initiatives included campaigns to recycle christmas chocolate tubs, crisp packets for homeless, batteries and printer cartridges in addition to paper, cans, plastic and food waste that the school was already committed to.

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Student also signed up to "surfers against sewage" and are are committed to becoming a plastic free school.

Amongst a raft of other initiatives, they monitored their energy usage and came up with practical suggestions that reduce use - including ‘switch off’ campaigns, compost bins and water butts added to the sites

They also have a well-being and gardening club -  encouraging biodiversity and respect for the environment.

The schools are part of The Priory Learning Trust in Somerset, which has helped launched numerous eco initiatives across their schools.

They have Jill Dando News centres to train up children to be ‘Jill Dando Journalists’ in the style of Jill, kind, humble and positive.

Jill Dando died nearly 24 years ago at age 37 in 1999, but now hundreds of young reporters are following on her model of brilliant news journalism, kindness, humility while looking for good news stories.

For more stories from Jill Dando News visit: http://www.goodnewspost.co.uk