Campaigning Katy, 8, wins Blue Peter award for litter picking

Campaigning Katy, 8, wins Blue Peter award for litter picking

By Jill Dando News Centre

Katy, of Castle Batch Primary School Academy, Weston-super-Mare, Somerset won the BBC award on the back of her school’s ‘Heroes’ Award.

Katy, 8, and bottom centre in main photo with other Jill Dando reporters.

Inspired by Sir David Attenborough’s TV programmes when only 7, Katy is passionate about reducing the amount of plastic on the streets.

Back in March just before lockdown, BBC TV filmed a piece at the school all about Katy.

Katy said: “I can’t believe I’ve been awarded a Blue Peter badge - I just can’t believe it. This has made me want to do more recycling and help our environment.”

Castle Batch has a Jill Dando News Centre (JDNC) where inspirational children such as Katy are covered by the Media. Ex BBC journalist Jill grew up near to the school before becoming TV’s ‘smiling face of Britain’. Now hundreds of young people are doing journalism in her style, with positivity, kindness and good news.

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