Students build skills and self-belief through Duke of Edinburgh scheme (by Emily, 13)

Students build skills and self-belief through Duke of Edinburgh scheme (by Emily, 13)

By Emily, 13, Jill Dando News Correspondent

Year 9 students at The King Alfred School Academy in Highbridge, Somerset completed their qualifying bronze expedition of 2024.

The participants completed many tasks such as planning their routes, meals and how they intended on carrying the equipment.

The Duke of Edinburgh programme is a system set up to promote self-belief and self-confidence for young people through different activities.

This includes a physical, volunteering and skill section along with two expeditions: a practice and qualifying. For bronze level, the three sections must be completed for at least three months.


 DofE brings beneficial opportunities and a more positive outlook to those who sign up to it.

It supports your wellbeing and positivity while equally ensuring your fitness is suitable and your physical abilities.

It is also a great thing to put on your CV while applying to sixth forms, colleges and universities to separate you from the other applicants.


 The different levels are bronze (Year 9) , silver (Year 10) and gold (Year 13).

The expedition segment of the award is a camping trip ranging from one to three nights and involves walking to your campsite and setting up your tents while there.

These walks can be expected to be around 6 hours per day, but could differ based on efficiency levels.


Mr Swaine was very impressed with the students, stating: "They are the best cohort we've seen, with the least amount of wrong turns!"

All of the students thoroughly enjoyed themselves and are looking forward to the next part of their programme.

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