On Mental Health Day, Get Talking

On Mental Health Day, Get Talking
By Samara Siviter, 19, Mental Health Correspondent, Jill Dando News

In 2022 itself, seven million people connected with others as a result of the initiative with continues to remain the most well known and popular mental health campaign within the country, a campaign which as CAMHS referrals begin to soar and celebrities begin to advocate for those in need, it's becoming rapidly more evident that we need more than ever.

If you are concerned about a loved one or family member yourself, here are three core tips you could potentially implement in order to open up this important conversation:

1) Try to have the conversation whilst doing another activity i.e. washing up.

2) Sometimes it could help to share personal stories or experiences in order to help put the other party at ease.

3) But as much as you might have exhausted yourself and your efforts on an individual basis, if they don't want to talk please reassure them that your door is always open whenever you are ready.

The intention of the day itself is to create a sense of immediate unanimity by showing young people they're not alone - by all wearing the same colour yellow, as well as continue to raise integral funds for this amazing charity and continue to support the incredible work I see them do first hand, especially within my position as an activist.

So stand up and show up for the young people in your life, and show them that they're not alone.

If you would like to find out more about Britain Get Talking please visit: https://www.itv.com/britaingettalking/

As for Hello Yellow and how you can make a difference: https://www.youngminds.org.uk/support-us/fundraising/helloyellow/

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