Amazing Evie gets Blue Peter Badges for her inspirational gymnastics and eco-friendly work

Amazing Evie gets Blue Peter Badges  for her inspirational gymnastics and eco-friendly work

By James, 9, and Dylan, 9, Jill Dando News

Evie, a Year 5 pupil at St. Anne's Church Academy, in Weston-super-Mare, Somerset has earned three Blue Peter Badges for her gymnastics and eco-friendly activities.

To earn her badges she had to write to Blue Peter and tell them about the new things she has been doing.

These new things were trying gymnastics and going eco-friendly.

When she tried gymnastics, she wanted to learn how to do the splits.


When Evie went eco-friendly, she put up bird feeders and drew a picture of her garden.

Evie said, “I’m glad I have taken part and I hope I can inspire one or two people to try it too.”

The school is developing its curriculum to highlight the need for sustainability. They will be working with the children to ensure that they understand the need to care for our planet and use resources in the most sustainable way.

St Anne’s Church Academy is a high achieving and happy caring school.

It is the first school in North Somerset to receive the highly prized Social Media School Award.

It is part of The Priory Learning Trust.

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