A homelessness charity in Weston-super-Mare is set to share its story with the nation as demand for its services skyrockets

A homelessness charity in Weston-super-Mare is set to share its story with the nation as demand for its services skyrockets

By Jill Dando News

The charity, Somewhere to Go in Weston-super-Mare, Somerset is featured in a recent promotional video produced by the Ascot Group, highlighting its vital work and the increasing need for support.

Founded 24 years ago with a National Lottery grant, Somewhere to Go has become a lifeline for vulnerable adults in Somerset. 

However, the charity has seen a significant surge in demand in recent years, a trend that has only intensified following the pandemic as financial pressures and mental health issues worsen.

In response to these growing challenges, the charity is urgently appealing for additional funding and volunteers to help meet the needs of the community. 

The Ascot Group, a marketing and technology group based near Worle Train Station, has been a steadfast supporter of the charity for several years and is now stepping up its efforts even further.

The company’s video production team has been busy filming a promotional video that showcases the charity’s incredible history, its work, and its expanding services for the homeless.

This video aims to reach audiences across the town, county, and nation, raising awareness and support for the essential services Somewhere to Go provides.

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Dan Aldridge, MP for Weston-super-Mare and a Trustee of Somewhere to Go, praised the community spirit shown by the Ascot Group.

“It's great to see local businesses like The Ascot Group support charitable efforts in the centre of Weston," he said. 

“As a Trustee of Somewhere to Go, I know first-hand the huge positive impact this charity has on the town, providing a judgment-free place for people to seek help, support, and kindness in times of difficulty."

Lisa Cooper, Senior Support Worker, said: “Our charity supports the most vulnerable adult members of our community. 

“They can approach us with some complex issues which could include social isolation, mental health, addiction, homelessness, victims of domestic abuse, and those living in food poverty. 

“Thank you so much to the Ascot Group for all their help and support.”
Somewhere to Go offers a wide range of support a day centre where people can pop in, have meals and access services.

Their day centre serves as a place of refuge for individuals where they can access the necessary resources for their survival and rehabilitation. 

The charity operates 365 days per year, providing a haven for those who have nowhere else to turn. 

However, running such a facility requires substantial funding which has proven challenging amidst cuts on local authority spending on support services and increased competition among charitable organisations.

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